Japanese Craft·Matsui Premium Gin【Hakuto】 700mL 47% 松井酒造 倉吉蒸餾所 白兔琴酒 700mL 47%

主页 Home / 烈酒 HARD LIQUOR / 松井酒造 倉吉蒸餾所 白兔琴酒 700mL 47% Japanese Craft·Matsui Premium Gin【Hakuto】 700mL 47%

松井酒造 倉吉蒸餾所 白兔琴酒 700mL 47%
Japanese Craft·Matsui Premium Gin【Hakuto】 700mL 47%

编码 CODE : WW857031
条形码 BARCODE : 4954621002904
包装规格 PACKAGING : 700ml x 16支btls
酒精度 ALCOHOL : 47%
原产国 COUNTRY OF ORIGIN : 日本 Japan

[特点 Features]

With an emphasis on the Japanese pear, "Nashi", this draws upon 9 botanicals and the addition of 5 premium botanicals evokes a richer scent.Please enjoy the spicy yet sweet and refreshing complex flavors.

[口感 Taste]

Unique flavors that this provides differentiates itself from your ordinary gin.